
Dawson College Vernissage Poster


Dawson College’s Graphic Design Vernissage marks the culmination of three years of hard work for graduating students. This annual event highlights student creativity and provides a platform to showcase their achievements.

vernissage poster
small polygon


This project aimed to design a poster for the end-of-the-year Dawson College Graphic Design Vernissage for graduates. The goal was to develop a concept that distinctly captured the essence of graphic design, ensuring it was visually striking and memorable.

vernissage poster
half polygon


I started with extensive brainstorming sessions to pinpoint the main concept for the poster. Eventually, I settled on a concept that spreads a positive message. The concept of “emerge” illustrates the process of emergence and transformation. The poster visually portrays the idea of things coming into existence, breaking barriers, and evolving into a new state. I experimented with various angles of rectangles, keeping in mind the fundamental principles of graphic design, such as black-and-white space. The color elements can symbolize the designer’s journey, with each attempt representing progress towards finding a solution and completing the work.

vernissage poster


I’m really pleased with how the visuals came together, especially considering how hard it can be to design for yourself. They show progress, resilience, and creativity well. It was fun exploring concepts and capturing the essence of graphic design to create eye-catching designs. The process has deepened my appreciation for design’s ability to convey meaningful messages and captivate audiences.

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