
Pretty Hurts Poster Design


I was tasked with creating screen-printed posters using the phrase “Pretty Hurts”, derived from the renowned song by the iconic American singer Beyoncé. The music style mixes R&B, pop, and soul with a touching melody.

posters on wall
small circle


The poster aimed to delve into the underlying message of Beyoncé’s song “Pretty Hurts” and translate it into visual form.

small circle


Upon receiving the project brief, I dove into the song lyrics to understand what they conveyed about society’s beauty standards. My goal with the posters was to capture all the feelings behind them, illustrating how pursuing unhealthy beauty ideals can truly affect people. Each poster mixes different visuals to match the song’s vibes. The first one has “pretty hurts” all twisted up in the letters, while the second shows a woman with stitches, reminiscent of plastic surgery, to highlight the pain caused by those standards. The third poster focuses on someone chasing after the perfect body and forgetting to love themselves along the way. I aimed to make the piece really provoke thought so viewers would contemplate what “pretty hurts” truly means. Being new to screen printing, I was excited to try it. I chose orange and black colors to create a bold visual contrast, making my prints stand out even more.



Exploring the concept behind a project and turning it into a visual reality was incredibly rewarding. Despite the technical challenges of screen printing, like ensuring consistent ink coverage and precise screen alignment, the end result exceeded expectations. With each print pulled from the screen, I felt a surge of accomplishment. My aim is for this poster to inspire others to prioritize inner happiness over outward appearances and to embrace their uniqueness with confidence.

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